Strava adds Support Ukraine Map
Strava now lets you edit your completed workout and change the route colouration and show your support for Ukraine.
Simply edit and change the Map type to ‘Support Ukraine’ for your route to appear in yellow and blue, as shown above.
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I dont really get this type of support. Yes, it will help the willpower for those affected if they see it. I also get, that it highlights the injustice in todays world.
However, this support is more of a PR move and not really helping.
I would gladly pay an adjustable amount of 1 or 2€ per upload to Strava to use this feature and Strava would then donate that to a help organisation in Ukraine. They could charge my pay method for Strava premium, why not?
But like this, its a nice gesture but nothing more and I question their motive. This is just to do the absolute minimum for athletes and companies to show they care without restricting them in any way.
The phrase “virtue signalling” is often bandied about. I’m not sure that I want to accuse Strava of that as I don’t know what else they are doing.
They could totally stop their service in Russia, that would be more meaningful. that’s what I did:
bottom line: if a billion westerners each do a trivial ‘thing’ it will amount to a huge ‘thing’. Or you could just do nothing…
I don’t think Strava is trying to do anything here other than give you a platform to express your own views. It won’t matter, unless you have followers in Russia who will see how much the world supports Ukraine… except Strava already suspended services in Russia and Belarus:
thank you for that news.
Strava has done the right thing. Good on them!