Precision Fuel & Hydration

Precision Hydration GelPrecision Fuel & Hydration

I had a vague recollection of looking into Precision Fuel & Hydration electrolyte replacement strategies a few years ago. As it turns out, it was a whopping 7 years ago and as it now also turns out, the company is very much into sugar as well as salt. I suspect there’s more money in sugar but we need both when doing our sport that’s for sure.

H2PRO Hydrate Review | Precision Hydration


Precision Fuel & Hydration Carbs Calculator

Some of our gadgets make attempts to calculate our water/carbs usage both pre-workout and post-workout, as well as provide smart reminders or simple time-based reminders.

I have to admit to favouring simple time-based reminders unless I’m planning something especially complex. That said, Precision Hydration has an interesting and simple take on fuelling requirements with its Quick Carbs Calculators for each of its products that do what they say on the tin. Most importantly they are real-world calculators that do NOT tell you to stuff your face with the vendor’s products at such a maximal rate that you have to visit the toilet 30 minutes into the race 😉


More interesting is the planner which is more complicated and does take into account intensity, and environmental conditions, like sweat rates, likely saltiness and more. In my experience properly pre-loading with salt for a HIM did improve my performance noticeably.





The various potions and gels are all pretty tasty. I especially like the chews. I like SiS products as well but its chews taste too sickly sweet, whereas Prevision Hydrations are yummy and would even nicely accompany a mid-ride coffee. They’re priced more cheaply than cake too…albeit only just. #RideInflation


The other reason I got hold of some is that they are extremely well packaged and will look good as props in some photo shoots, providing I don’t eat them first.

Precision Hydration Salt Tabs

My Fuelling and Hydration

I would definitely recommend you look at hydration planning with Precision Fuel & Hydration. The company’s Race Planner is pretty awesome in that regard and Andy Blow (CEO) is a highly knowledgeable and widely respected industry advisor.

When it comes to simple gels for a 60-minute run or a 2-2.5 hour ride I’d just grab some super-cheap Wiggle gels and a banana. For anything longer or more intense I’d plan more carefully and would happily use Precision Hydration as well as SiS (who also do suitably pretty packaging!)


Note: This is not paid for but I got some free samples, which I will definitely use (or photograph 🙂 )




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