Movaia: an app that gives running form analysis

Movaai Running form analysisMovaia App – Running Form Analysis without an expensive hardware purchase

Did you think about getting a running form analysis? As we age through middle age and beyond our maximal VO2max capacity necessarily declines, if you are already performing close to that level one of the few ways to get faster is to become a more efficient runner.

Your options are: a specialized coach or physiotherapist; the metrics provided by your running watch; or the metrics from a gait-specific product (like Kinematix running shoe inserts)

I’ve tried several of the gait-specific products and the companies tend to go out of business within 2 years. I also periodically look at my Garmin 965‘s gait metrics, they seem broadly correct but other than CADENCE, they lack actionability. I’ve also visited a couple of gait labs and orthotics companies and they are excellent but expensive.

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There’s a new option. A new start-up called MOVAAI offers an option to upload videos for an online running form analysis. Their AI and computer vision-powered algorithm then does the rest to create a personalized running form report. While the algorithm does the heavy lifting, the logic behind the running form analysis comes from physiotherapists and coaches advising the startup.

Runners are typically surprised to see their run form visualized in our videos and reports – it’s a truly eye-opening experience for most. [Thomas Butter, Founder]

This aha moment can be the starting point for adjustments in running form to improve running efficiency and reduce injury risk.

Movaia is currently offering a free beta test, and you will get a free running form report with exercise recommendations. If you’d like to give it a try upload your video at and check out their “video requirements” so the AI can “understand” your video.


More: (sign up for the free beta)


Triathletes & Cyclists Could Also Try: My Velo Fit – an app that checks your bike fit.


This is not paid for or sponsored. I just thought it was a good idea and was keen to help out a novel startup. Please post your experiences below (be nice, it’s free), also please note that the website is a bit slow until an upgrade on 15May. © 2010-2025

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