Enhance Your Stryd Experience with Manual Activity Creation
More: Detailed Stryd Review
The latest addition to the Stryd mobile app allows you to create manual activities and maintain a complete Stryd profile, even when you don’t run with the Stryd pod. This interesting addition empowers you to accurately track your Running Stress Score, Running Stress Balance, and contribute to your Power Duration Curve.
Easy and Seamless Activity Creation
Creating manual activities on the Stryd calendar is straightforward with three simple inputs: distance, duration, and average power output. Whether you use a recording device or make an informed guess, this feature relatively easily logs a missed or lost workout.
Accurate Running Stress Balance Tracking
Running Stress Balance is crucial in determining the effectiveness of planned training sessions and ensuring optimal progress. With manual activity entry, you can more accurately track your overall Running Stress Balance by filling in gaps from when you don’t have your Stryd pod.
Contribute to Your Power Duration Curve
The Power Duration Curve plays a vital role in monitoring your potential and your top performances by keeping your Critical Power up to date. Even if you forgot your Stryd pod during a personal best run, the manual activity entry feature allows you to update your Power Duration Curve and hence Critical Power.
Take Out
Simply put, Stryd aims to help us maintain our Stryd profiles, even without the pod.
Was this feature pulled? I’m not seeing it on either the iOS app or the web.