Garmin 965 – Forerunner gets Firmware catchup (265 too) – Beta

Garmin Forerunner 965 CIQ Problem
Still not sure these wierd display probs will be fixed

new Garmin 965 Features (265 too)

This is a fairly significant quarterly feature update for the top Forerunner watches. The features are already available on some Fenix and Epix models, so there is nothing wholly new to see here.

I’ve just popped today’s new Forerunner beta on my 965 and, for once, am looking forward to actually using a few of them in real life.

Here: Garmin Forerunner 965 beta 16-12

Here: Garmin Forerunner 265 beta 16-12


Change Log:

  • Adds the Endurance Score glance. (965 only, looks like 265 will never get these)
  • Adds the Hill Score glance. (965 only, looks like 265 will never get these)
  • Adds map types and map data field options. (these are the contour maps and edge of the screen metrics.
  • Adds weather maps to the Weather glance.
  • Adds muscle maps to HIIT, Cardio, and Pilates activities.
  • Adds a Workouts app to the Activities & Apps list.
  • Adds new activities for team sports, racket sports, and more.
  • Adds the ability to display caller name and number on the notification watch face data field.
  • Adds support for new Di2 cassettes (Even Shimano’s E-tube isn’t as comprehensive as this!)
  • GPS Firmware Update – hmmm interesting!
  • Sensor Hub Firmware Update – yay! It might connect more reliably now, Edge 540 needs this update too

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11 thoughts on “Garmin 965 – Forerunner gets Firmware catchup (265 too) – Beta

  1. Seems Garmin has a hard time to fix bugs in this beta firmware. Non of the „current“ devices (F7, FR 955, FR 965…) received a final version yet.

    1. apparently f7 is in a different internal team.
      i would imagine that f7pro/epix pro gets it right first then ported out to the other watch displays with FRs coming last

      1. Yes, probably different teams. But all of the watches are currently waiting for production release of this particular „firmware generation“ (with e.g. Hillscore and Weather Maps). So i suspect there are serious bugs and a lot of shared code.

    2. The production release is tied to a quarterly schedule, generally speaking, you see betas for these products for 4-6 weeks, which means for the Fenix/Epix/etc beta that released back in mid July (July 21st), that puts it right on target/schedule for the mid to late August timeframe.

      It’s a repeatable schedule. Keep in mind that especially in the case of the Fenix/Epix, these features were already on the launched Pro series. They share the same firmware. This was mostly a minor thing for Garmin on the Outdoor side. It’s a bigger lift on the Forerunner 265/965 side because the UI is substantially different.

      1. Thank you for the correction, Ray. I wasn‘t aware that the Pro was launched with these features. I think in the current Beta there is e.g. a serious bug with Connect IQ datafields on 955 but it seems everything is still within the expected timeline.

    3. Wouldn’t surprise me. I had to report a shit load of bugs for the 965. Quite a few more in a couple of months since I own a 965 than in 6 years of forerunner 935 usage.

  2. Would there be a chance that Stamina comes to the 265(S)? I wonder why it’s truly a higher end feature.

  3. I see the fenix series have a new backup restore function in their latest beta.

    It seems the forerunner series don’t have this.

    How stupid is that! Really. WTF!!!!

    All we get is stupid features like stamina and hill score. As if someone who does endurence training or hill training not allready knows their endurance or hill climbing capabilities. (you really need to be a nono if you need a watch to confirm that)

    1. ha! 😉
      I suspect that ‘backup and restore’ is not a feature that sells too many new watches. It’s one of those features that keeps existing customers happy and so “is not so important” ?!?!?!?!?

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