Forerunner 255 get new SPORT features – Garmin does well !

Forerunner 255 gets new SPORT features

good news for Garmin Forerunner 255 owners.

We’ve just seen the first set of new features for the high-end Forerunners for Q1.2023, currently in beta. In recent months, many of Garmin’s headline new features have been somewhat peripheral to sports. Not this time. We get some proper sports features, admittedly they’re not Earth-shattering in importance but Garmin has probably already invented all of those.

Bottom line: It’s a good thing!

Here are the new features for v18.12 and in more detail here on Garmin Forums

Change log:

  • Adds Auto Activity Detect transition for multisport profiles.
  • Adds Lap Undo (manual laps in cycling and running. not triathlon, not strength training, not autolaps)
  • Adds Sleep Coach glance.
  • Adds database of 400m running tracks all over the world (I think this merely extends the scope of the existing Track feature)
  • Adds Jump Rope activity profile.
  • Improved turn point course navigation.
  • Improved headset compatibility. (Music versions only)


I briefly tested the lap undo feature yesterday. I don’t expect to use it much myself, but based on reader feedback, many people think it will be helpful. Tip: Make sure your watch isn’t too tight on your wrist when cycling. It only works for manually deleted laps in running and cycling – no undo for automatic laps or strength/swim training.

The “Auto Activity Detect transition” in multisport profiles automatically moves you between activities like run-bike-run, as long as GPS is on. In my test last night of run-bike-run in the driveway during a rainstorm, it didn’t work that well. But a real-world test under better conditions may prove different.

Even so, we shouldn’t be too critical since this is Garmin’s first try at the feature while still in beta testing. Bugs are expected. It’s a much-needed feature that Apple and Wahoo already have. I’m sure Garmin will continue improving it until they get automatic multisport transitioning to work reliably. Overall it’s a step in the right direction. With more refinement, it WILL be a really useful tool for triathletes and multisport athletes of all levels.


Garmin Auto Activity Detect Transition for multisport profiles – how does it work?


new Garmin LAP UNDO – how does it work? Pointless? © 2010-2025

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