Hammerhead Karoo 3 – Features and fixes May 2023 – key facts, no waffle

Hammerhead Karoo3 ReviewHammerhead Karoo 3 – Features and fixes May 2023

More: Detailed Hammerhead Karoo 3 Review

One of the surprising idiosyncracies I found during my review of the Karoo 3 was that routes were not invisibly synced from, say, RwGPS to the device. They didn’t just simply ‘appear’. I could have sworn they previously used to do that but… apparently not. Anyway, now your new routes should magically appear providing Karoo has an active internet connection.

Edit: I tested it and it does NOT seem to work how I would expect. The routes from Strava listed as ‘newest’ aren’t correct even when favourited. Possibly, I’d edited an old route and HH might recognise the creation date rather than ‘last sync’ date.


Full changes

More: Hammerhead

  • We’ve made it easier than ever to get routes from Ride With GPS onto your Karoo. Now, you no longer have to press “sync routes” on Karoo or Dashboard after pinning a route on Ride With GPS. It’ll sync automatically as soon as you pin it while ensuring Karoo is connected to the internet!
  • We’ve made a number of design improvements to the upcoming elevation data field.
  • We’ve added a notification to Control Center whenever you have a workout scheduled for “Today”, making it easier to add the workout to your ride.
  • We’ve added an “off route” treatment to the Distance and Ascent Remaining data fields when you go off route while following a Breadcrumb route.
  • We’ve updated the default phone notification setting for new users. Now, by default, new users won’t receive phone notifications for “Other Apps” in-ride. This setting can be adjusted in the Profiles app on Karoo, on a profile-by-profile basis.

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