Support – Thank You

to say thank you

Here’s where you subscribe: click the red button or, instead, buy me a coffee with the orange button; either way, it all gets diverted to caffeine. The benefits of a subscription are shown below.

Thank you for supporting this blog. All support is greatly appreciated.


here -contribute grey
to become a subscriber

I use PayPal to process transactions. You can use a credit card to complete that process. You can opt out of any recurring payments. I do not store your credit card info. I do not sell or give away your info. But you are creating an account, so your LoginID and email will be stored in my WordPress environment, where I require myself to have 2FA and whitelisted IP addresses to access the admin side of, so that’s hopefully more secure than many of the other places we trust our details to.


  1. Speed. Support also helps pay for speed-boosting techy things like WebP image compression and CDN hosting just for you guys across the pond, meaning comes directly to you from the USA or the UK and with the quickest images possible.
  2. Help!: I try to respond in detail to as many subscribers’ comments as possible. If you pose a question through the comments, you will be flagged as a MEMBER/SUPPORTER/SUBSCRIBER, and I will do my best to reply properly.
  3. Chat!: There is a supporter-only chat zone via restricted-access comments here.
  4. Privileged Access: I publish supporter-only content, including detailed accuracy tests, forward-thinking industry thoughts, and random reviews.
  5. Free 5K Plan: Once you’ve subscribed, fill in the information on this page, and I will send a personalised 5K plan to the subscriber at the registered subscriber email address. It’s an excellent and detailed plan for good to decent runners. You don’t have to pay, and please flag that you are a supporter when you submit your info
  6. notifications or no notifications: Once you have logged in, you can change between instant notifications or a once-weekly digest…or no notifications.
  7. Ad-Free: As of 1 May 2021, the ad-free service works. A valid subscription removes all programmatic ads served by AdSense and Monumetric. There are occasional partner links and buy links which specifically help you buy from sites that support the work here. As of 1 Jan 2025, there is a problem stopping ad display linked to a third party that I can’t control, meaning that ads are still shown in several instances on various browser/platform combinations. Sorry.
    • Highlighting/Copying: Once logged in, you can highlight and copy text FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE. Again, this selectively works due to the same issue.

You will be in the awesome company of Mr DCR (Member=Supporter) & I do reciprocate, of course.



  1. Why are you doing this? Not everyone wants to support the site by purchasing things from my affiliates, but they still want to support the site.
  2. Can I get a refund? There are no refunds for the currently active period of your subscription.
    • Why? Some people want only to read one specific piece of content.
  3. When can I cancel? You can cancel the subscription anytime via the account settings on this site or through PayPal (the PayPal link may change). It’s more complicated cancelling the payment from within PayPal unless you already know how to do so. See: Manage an existing account. Cancelling stops the next payment from happening but does not refund part of the current payment.
  4. My user ID and password are not remembered when browsing InPrivate. Why? That’s how your settings are on your browser’s In-Private browsing; I can’t control that.
  5. How can I check everything is working fine? See the Test Page below or go here (link to
  6. As a paid-up supporter, why can’t I see all the content? That should never happen. Please email me at in**@th*********.com after you have checked the status of your subscription (link to:
  7. Will the price go up? Maybe, but probably not. I’ve stopped the monthly/quarterly subscriptions as the PayPal fees were too high (literally more than 50% for the monthly option)
  8. Is this all GDPR compliant? Yes.

Test Page

The following linked page is permanently set to be visible only to subscribers. Your subscription will probably work if you can read it (link to 

Manage an existing account.