Humon Hex * Closes *

Humon today announced that they are closing their doors – I’ll cover the impact on HEX…

BSX Insight – The Final Word

I guess it could have been worse. Below is probably the final email from BSX. It…

HUMON, MOXY, BSX…now everyone wants your ‘old’ BSX Insight

After MOXY’s nifty little buy-back offer of BSX Insight devices, Humon (link have now got…

Review: BSX Insight – Setting up, initial thoughts and first uses

The BSX Insight device measures muscle oxygenation through Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy and, amongst other things, has…

Getting a bit more serious now. Threshold run with BSX Insight

OK. I’ve faffed about too much so far this year. Hackney and Hever beckon with the…

BSX Insight: Getting your threshold heart rate (LTHR)

I had planned to write something a bit more in-depth about the BSX Insight’s approach to…

Running SmO2 from BSXinsight with STRYD power !? Prep for North London HM

This image was from last night’s ‘fun’ run. What you are looking at is power, HR and…

BSX Insight – New Insights into SMO2 and LTHR

Some great development from BSX Insight. The clue is in the name: INSIGHT. Their rather awesome…