This weekend just finished was nice and ‘easy’ with ‘only’ about 6.5 hours of training. Although…
Tag: journey
Ironman Journey – TaaaaaaaaaaaPeeeeeeeeer
Finally, today marks the start of my 3-week taper. The 14/15 hours this week seems positively easy…
Ironman Journey: Body Fail: Garmin Fail
It seems that neither my body nor Garmin are infallible. No surprise there, really. My Ironman…
My Ironman Journey: A Mouthful of Humble Pie Might Have Been Good For Me
In previous posts I have scoffed a little about ‘Zone 2 training’ which, by now, I…
My Ironman Journey Continues: Gods, Gadget and Oil
The Greeks probably had a god of Ironman. S/he was probably called Brownlee, Jorgensen or Friel.
My Ironman Training Load – The Only Way is UP?
Another thrilling instalment of my IRONMAN JOURNEY, this time with a red AND blue chart.
Ironman Training – 200 Hours In The Wrong Zones? Not a good idea.
A lot of the Ironman plans I looked at rely on Training Zones. Either POWER zones…
Ironman Training – Self-Coached Sporting Suicide?
I’ve approached my Ironman training with a degree of trepidation. The problem I have is that…