Bike VO2 Training: AI Told me to do this today, Train.Red told me to fine tune it like this

You might just be better off sticking to an old-fashioned, paper-base training plan

NNOXX One analysed my half marathon effort – here is exactly what they found

A great anecdote from Evan@NNOXX was that it is often the case where people's perceived limiters…

How AI Endurance Incorportes AI and ML in its training model (now incorporates chatGPT)

it's ahead of the curve when it comes to ai but even in recent weeks, the…

Tips for 5k training during the colder months

5k Training – Some tips for the colder months ahead As a beginner runner, you might…

My HIM Training – An Update…gadgets & stats

My HIM Training – An Update It’s showtime…soon. I was ill last week after my first…

Garmin SLEEP TRACKING on the 745 and 945 – 245 gets ADAPTIVE TRAINING

you will be delighted that Garmin has added SLEEP tracking to the 745. The cut down…

AI Triathlon Training Plans – Running & Cycling too

Artificial Intelligence-enabled Triathlon, running & cycling Training Plans - smoke and mirrors or the real deal?

STRAVA Turns Off Key Features – Welcome to the paywall

Methinks the direction of travel is towards LESS features unless you PAY for them

Thursday Training Theme: This week’s favourite training session

Theme: Threshold I treat this session as an alternative to the standard 2×20′ session and it…

Thursday Training Theme: This week’s favourite training session

Theme: Anaerobic Capacity I’m just about to start tapering for my last multisport race of the…

Thursday Training Theme: This week’s favourite training session, Let’s start simple WARMUP

Theme: Warmup As I’ve become more attuned, zen-like, to my body I can feel the difference…

Garmin Coach – Any Good ? Free Adaptive 5K Running Plan

Garmin Coach is getting better. Lots of free plans to help your training including SOME adaptive…