Mywhoosh – how to level up significantly
I was on Level 29 (27 shown above), but within a few hours, I miraculously gained 95 levels…here’s how you can do something similar.
the Story
Mywhoosh added a capability in June 2024 to transfer some of our progress on Zwift to Mywhoosh. That seemed like a good idea, and I wrote about it here. I confess to never doing much about it since my Zwift history is not that much to shout about, and I imagined transferring it to MyWhoosh wouldn’t make much difference.
I was then spurned into action by Reddit user u/Bitter_Captain_93, who was 100 levels above me. He probably deserved it, but in today’s world of getting achievements without actually doing much to get them, I felt I did, too. I’ve bought a bike and loaded my computer with MyWhoosh. Isn’t that enough for a medal?
One evening, I had ten minutes to kill, so I thought I’d eke out whatever I could from my Zwift account. So I went here and started the process: First, you must do this on a computer/browser. You’ll see something like this
So off I went and followed the process.
Wait a minute. I said to myself. The Strava logo had unexpectedly appeared. Now, I have far, far, far more miles logged in Strava than on Zwift, and this looked interesting. I quickly sent MyWhoosh all my Strava info. They needed to know my profile ID, which I sent them, but I’m not sure my data is public, so I also attached a screenshot showing my account, its URL and a full log of my metres gained and miles ridden. My request whooshed off into an admin hole somewhere.
I didn’t expect it to work.
A few days later, I got an email confirming my data import was approved. I was credited with 91,000 km, over a million experience points and about 500ish miles of elevation gained. I’ll take that.
On logging into the app, I saw a similarly positive message. Yay.
What happens after that is a little odd. You can only be bumped up by about 10 levels per login. Various other percentages of your XP points, unlockings and gifts also pop up after each login. Taken them. Then log out and in again. Repeat until the game that gives; gives no more.
Now that I am on Level 124, I feel a little bit happy that I’ve got something for nothing, but not entirely sure what I will do about it. The big positive is that my level bump has completely extinguished my motivation to level up further. I can just ride to enjoy it. I used my extra coins to buy a nice Colnago TT bike (I’ll rarely use it) and some equally nice Cadex wheels. I also bagged one of those game wheels, which appear to be on fire. Again, I’m not sure what I’ll ever do with that…but I have it
What’s your level?
Ich bin zur Zeit auf Level 139
I am currently at level 139
grrr. maybe i’ll try to sync my zwift efforts as well 😉