Thames Trail Half Marathon (F3) and other Running Races 2017 – Windsor / Kew / Long / Hever

f3-eventsIt’s still sinking in that I am supposedly doing a full Ironman in 2017. Of course that means at least vaguely trying to run something like a Marathon at some point. Luckily I did a few half marathons this year and half irons. So hopefully I’m there or thereabouts already on the fitness front if I just go a ‘bit slower’ (technical sports science term).

In my training I run A LOT on the banks of the Thames and Wey and cycle on the banks of a few other rivers regularly too. I just like to get away from cars I guess (yes I do own one). It’s a great way to run. Historically I’d been very aware of the Kingston Breakfast Run and the Cabbage Patch 10 mile (Twickenham/Richmond), the latter of which I’ve run a few times – both being flat and close to the Thames

They’re just great experiences.

So on to 2017: “Why not venture further upstream or downstream?” I thought to myself.

I was in Windsor in the middle of November for a day’s shopping – very nice place/shops; rubbish car parking. HMQ wasn’t at home so I couldn’t pop round for a coffee. So I had a wander along the Thames.


It was very pretty and that stuck in my mind and then jumped out of my mind and into full consciousness when I saw the Thames Trail Half Marathon from F3 Events: 21st May 2017 £35. Long story short. I’m doing that. It’s going to be flat but will the ‘trail’ nature of it signify a PB opportunity? Hard, dry trail beats hills for I fast time I hope.

I was also going to do September’s Kew Marathon for similar beautiful scenery and general flatness. But that will probably/certainly interfere with my annual pilgrimage to Hever Castle for the Half Iron distance race there. © 2010-2025

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