2012: Review of the Schwalbe Insider Training Tyre

Schwalbe InsiderThe Schwalbe Insider is a tyre solely for use on your indoor turbo trainer. It can be inflated to 145psi and reduces noise.

That’s it really. Other than it is blue.

But these things are important.

Firstly the noise reduction compared to a regular road tyre used on your turbo trainer will probably be noticeable. your nearest and dearest will thank you for it and your kids will stay asleep as you pedal the night away in the utility room.

It lasts longer. Whilst it is perfectly OK to use an old tyre on your trainer (other than noise) if you are going to buy a new tyre just for the job then buy one that is made for the job. It will last longer.

145psi. That’s quite high. but remember that when you use a tyre indoors without the benefit of cooling by movement (other than it spinning around) it gets hotter and that can increase tyre pressure a lot. Ultimately that could burst your inner tube and/or damage your tyre.

I inflate mine to about 110psi. I never have problems with slipping. I always use the same starting tyre pressure from one session to the next.

As it is blue you will not accidentally use it on the road.

One point I would say: Take extra care when putting the tyre on the rim/wheel. Really make sure the tube is properly inside the tyre and rim all the way around and especially near the inner tube’s valve. More so that you would do normally. You’ve been warned!

Prices: They are just over £20 in the UK and over $25 in the USA.

PS The Schwalbe Ultremo R1 (or Ultremo ZX is same thing) is a great race tyre.

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