new look STRYD app

Stryd's new look Apple Watch app is now live and works on all the Apple Watch…

new Stryd Features for 2024/25 Hinted At by Recent Research

A re-assuring insight that Stryd continues to develop the product.

Midweek Triathlon, Endurance and Tech Stories…on Thursday

Today's stories include Stryd, T100 triathlon, Eight Sleep and an up to 50% SRAM sale.

Stryd Footpath – Adds first major new feature – Mapping Visualisation

...a deeper understanding of running.

Stryd Get More Scientific Accuracy Validation

Stryd delivers a stable, sensitive, and reliable metric

15% STRYD Cyber Monday Discount – UK / EU / USA / Global

Biggest Ever 15% STRYD Discount - Ends Today

STRYD Review, 10,000km Update – (Dual-) Running Power ⚡ Pod

A detailed, hands-on review of the Stryd running power meter footpod now dual-sided with built-in wind…

STRYD FOOTPATH – quick overview plus Example

FOOTPATH is an extremely intuitive and easy-to-use tool. It's quick, flexible and shows interesting, novel data.…

Stryd Duo – Getting Started

How to upgrade to a dual-side Stryd in the Garmin environment.

new Stryd Duo – Dual-sided running power pods – First Thoughts

Adding a second, current generation Stryd pod gives dual-sided power metrics and dual-sided gait metrics PLUS…

 Enhance Your Stryd Experience with Manual Activity Creation

Simply put, manual activity entry lets you keep all your stats up to date

Running Power – 10 Reasons To use It over Pace and HR

Here's 10 great reasons to make a move toward running with power.
