Major Update | Generated Workouts, Run Form and Shoe Analytics, Additional Garmin Watch Functionality
More: Detailed Stryd Review
Offer: Stryd Offer for October 2024 (see image below)
Next Gen Stryd pods now broadcast its running dynamics over ANT+RD. Added to that are more substantial features including Generated Workouts, Stryd Footpath expansion (works with one pod), and Run Form & Shoe Analytics, you’ll unlock custom power-based workouts, detailed performance insights, and data-driven decisions to maximise your running potential.
Whether you’re improving form, choosing shoes, or maintaining your routine, Stryd helps you to train smarter and run stronger.
Note: Some new features require Stryd Membership or hardware
Generated Workouts: Personalised for You
Data from your Stryd foot pod power workouts that adapt to your progress and preferences.
- Personalised: Tailored to your strengths, weaknesses, and goals, using key Stryd data points like Running Stress Score.
- Flexible: Adjust plans easily to fit your routine, maintaining consistency and flexibility.
- Adaptive: As you progress, workouts evolve to keep you challenged.

Stryd Footpath: Track Fatigue, Shoes, Performance, Recovery, and Drills
Stryd Footpath translates complex metrics into easy visuals, helping you run smarter and healthier with a single Next Gen Stryd pod.
- 360° View: Visualise how fatigue and conditions affect your stride.
- Injury Recovery: Track progress and prevent injury with detailed form analysis.
- Shoe Selection: See how shoes impact form and choose the best pair for each run.
- Fatigue Tracking: Spot form breakdowns and adjusts in real-time.
- Optimise Drills: Instantly see which drills improve performance.
Run Form & Shoe Analytics: Compare, Learn, & Improve
Analyse key metrics to improve performance and make smarter decisions.
- Gender & Age Comparisons: See how you compare to similar runners.
- Track Progress: Monitor how your form, strength, and stamina evolve.
- Speed Comparisons: Understand how your form changes with intensity.
- Shoe Insights: Compare shoe performance and choose the best pair for any run.
Track metrics like:
- Critical Power: See where you stand.
- Cadence: Find your optimal step rate.
- Duty Factor: Measure foot-ground contact time.
- Vertical Oscillation: Optimise vertical movement for performance.
- Leg Spring Stiffness: Improve running mechanics.
- Footpath: Visualise foot strike and stride patterns for better form and injury prevention.

Garmin Watch Functionality for Next-Gen Stryd Pods
Next Gen Stryd pods will now transmit over ANT+ RD channels, allowing Garmin watch users to see metrics like Ground Contact Time, Vertical Oscillation, and Vertical Ratio.
Offer: Stryd Offer for October 2024 (see image above)
Can you get stryd footpath with just one footpod?
Yep, that’s a new feature
Is it possible to view any of the data without a subscription? Whilst the footpath is an interesting feature, I’ve yet to see anything to convince me to upgrade from the original and any form of subscription is a no go.
the core aspects of stryd are more precise with the higher resolution pods and dual sided pods. better hardware will give you that without the need to subscribe. the original you have is probably sufficiently accurate for most people.
perhaps the new features like FOOTPATH have specific, niche customers and uses in mind (I don’t use footpath either FWIW but i do use DUO)
@Hilly: I think the L/R balance summary is given in PowerCenter (web). I only have a single pod so can’t confirm this.
The Stryd October offer (20% discount) seems to apply only on a new Stryd unit purchased without a subscription. Which does not make any sense.
that is odd and not my understanding of how it SHOULD work
Confirmed from Stryd. The discount applies only to new Stryd units which are purchased without a subscription. Their sales campaign is misleading 🙁
From memory, this is how it’s always been with Stryd.
Their sales pitch is that the pod+subscription is already at discounted in price.
But it looks clunky, existing members should get a better price for the subscription model.
Does the use of ANT+RD mean that I don’t need to use the CIQ data field anymore and the build in power features from Garmin deliver the accurate Stryd numbers?
good question!
RD is running dynamics and is only supported by some garmin watches
ant+rd is a standard communication method for metrics like vertical oscillation.
it doesn’t include POWER to my knowledge
so garmin power and stryd power will be different (as always)
or do you mean to ask if the inputs to garmin’s calculations will come from the raw source data on stryd’s pod (which won’t include all the componets required for garmin’s calculation.
basically:it’s not native power. but it is native ‘other stuff’
i’ll still be using the stryd zones ciq data field
Thx for your answer! Yes, my hope was that the data delivered by Stryd are good and rich enough to make it feel like native power (like with Coros watches). CIQ is ok but not usable in all cases (power zones in structured workouts, power value for auto laps, etc.). Sadly! It’s the main reason why I left Garmin!
by ‘it’ you mean Garmin running Power?
i’m not exactly sure what inputs from a stryd pod would be used by garmin running power.
speed/pace from stryd would always have been input into the garmin calculation, as far as the other runnign dynamics go …idk. I woudl assuem that the inputs were gathered on the watch at a more raw/deeper level but that’s just a guess.
it’s a good question and potentially an interesting answer. i’ll ask stryd. otherwise ask Dcrainmaker to get an answer to the same question from Garmin