Game-Changer | Valencell for Smart Watches | Blood Pressure

Valencell Claims to have the capability for Blood Pressure readings from the wrist

Apple Vs. Valencell – Settled

In January 2016 Valencell filed patent infringement lawsuits in the United States District Court for the…

CES 2019 Roundup – Where was the excitement ?

I never expected a raft of new sports watches to be announced at CES 2019 but…

Optical Heart Rate – A Chat With Valencell

I had an interesting chat recently with Valencell. There are no revelations as such but it…

Suunto Spartan TRAINER – the GPS bump is back, plus optical HR in an AMBIT-shell :: FCC filing

Suunto have registered their optical HR version of the SPARTAN at the FCC. Is the bump…

Valencell to demonstrate HRV in optical sensor

It looks like HRV level of accuracy is nearly commercially possible for optical wearables with an…

Suunto + Valencell :: Valencell to power Suunto's Optical HR Offering in Late 2016/early 2017

The recently announced Suunto Spartan ULTRA and then the very recently announced Suunto Spartan SPORT look…