Coros Adds Strava Live Segments

coros strava live segmentStrava Live Segments are now on your Coros.

Coros has added a new beta feature for its watch and bike owners with a Strava subscription. You can compete in real-time against competitors’ best times on your favourite Strava Segments.

Setup – In Brief

First, ensure your COROS device is updated with the latest software and linked to your Strava Premium account. Once connected, you can sync up to 30 of your favourite (starred) segments directly to your COROS watch or bike computer. These segments are managed via the Strava app, where you can explore and star routes based on terrain, length, and elevation. Only starred segments will appear on your device.

In Use

During your workout, as you approach a segment, your COROS device will alert you with the segment name and the competitor you’re racing against. You can compete against your Personal Record (PR), the King or Queen of the Mountain (K/QOM), or your Carrot—a Strava user just ahead of your best time. The watch even lets you target the Wolf, a competitor with a time just behind yours, who you want to stay ahead of in the Strava rankings.

Once the segment begins, the screen transforms into a live dashboard showing how far ahead or behind you are compared to your competitor. You’ll see performance metrics like time, pace, or speed required to win, distance remaining, and a virtual pacer visually tracking your progress against the competition. A map of the segment route is also displayed.

The display is modified for cycling if you use a larger-format Coros DURA. You’ll get detailed metrics such as your elapsed time, real-time speed, and a dynamic visual indicator of your position relative to your competitor.

when Done

At the end of the segment, you see your results, including total time, how far ahead or behind you were, and whether you achieved a new PR. More details are on the Coros app/Strava.

Take Out

Another month…another new Coros feature!

Strava Live Segments is a widely implemented feature across sports tech brands, so it’s nice to see Coros add it to its features.

I generally find Strava Live Segments features interesting and useful for occasional use. However, I’m unsure how many people use this feature set regularly. Indeed, it is more accessible by cyclists, who can more readily view the info on their head unit than runners needing to raise their wrists and look at a relatively small display (watch).

Coros seems to present all the key metrics you need. The visuals aren’t as good as on some other brands (Karoo springs to mind), but I don’t think that especially matters for a seldom-used feature.

Nice job; another feature box ticked.
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