Recreational and keen 5K runners should check this blog post for 100 tips, including other supplements,…
Category: Nutrition
does CoenzymeQ10 supplementation burn fat, if so how could I monitor that?
You can investigate if this or other strategies affect your fat burn with products like ...
the heart-healthy ‘super fruit’ that improves 5K performance like a ‘super shoe’ at a fraction of the price:
The recent study revealed that the berry boosts average 5K running times by a startling 38…
Pre-Exercise Food Timing and Its Impact on Reactive Hypoglycemia – What it means for Supersapiens
The study might perhaps have been more useful if it highlighted the kinds of carbs to…
Fuel Stacking – Should I do it? (Ketones & Carbs)
HVMN state that Ketone-IQ can be mixed with sports fuel drinks and also taken alongside caffeine.
Precision Fuel & Hydration
or anything longer or more intense I'd plan more carefully and would happily use Precision Hydration…