Haverfordwest parkrun – youtube, pictures, course description & info

Haverfordwest parkrun

 Haverfordwest parkrun

As of February 2018, Haverfordwest is the most westerly of parkruns in Wales. It’s still quite a new parkrun and the numbers seem to have levelled out to fewer than 60 each week, so it had a very friendly vibe when we went. Based at Haverfordwest Racecourse, the start and finish is actually by the Cricket Club, where there is a small, free car park and toilets. There are also a few parking bays on the opposite side of the road and it would also be possible to park along Dale Road, if there were no official parking spaces left.

Haverfordwest parkrun

The course was described by the Run Director as being shaped like a ‘horseshoe’ and I’d say that’s pretty accurate, although it doesn’t really look like it on the parkrun map. You start on grass and run entirely on grass around the outside of the hedge, then return back the way you came but on the tarmac on the inside of the hedge, then back onto the grass around the outside of the hedge again and then a short deviation towards the finish. The organisers cone off any potential places you could take a wrong turn and put a marshal at each end of the horseshoe. I do think it would be very hard to take a wrong turn.

The course is about 30% tarmac and 70% grass and extremely muddy in places. Apart from the first 100m or so, which is a slight uphill incline, the course is pretty flat – uneven under foot for large parts, but flat. Some of the views are stunning as you run around the outside of the hedge, so don’t forget to take it all in. Everyone was very friendly, which I do tend to find at the smaller parkruns, and the marshals were very enthusiastic, so the whole experience was very enjoyable.

Haverfordwest parkrunOfficial Event Page: Haverfordwest parkrun

Nearby postcode: SA61 1HZ

Hills (as logged by Suunto Spartan Trainer): Ascent 14m / Descent 21m

Subjective PB potential: 4/10 – fairly flat, but mostly cross country

Distance Displayed on Suunto Spartan Trainer: 5.09 km


See below for difficulty ranking

parkrun : Hardest & Easiest Courses in UK | course difficulty


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