Train Red Review: FYER and PLUS are quality muscle oxygen sensors at a price. Needs to…
Train.Red Looks at my attempt at a Wahoo 4DP Test
Thierry at Train.Red helpfully told me to try harder next time!
De-Saturation Intervals: Moxy vs. NNOXX vs. Train.Red
These two new products (TR and NNOXX) use high-grade sensors and that Moxy now has some…
Wahoo now support CORE (GreenTEG) and Train.Red – Garmin soon
Wahoo supports CORE Body Temp and Train.Red Muscle Oxygen
Train.Red Muscle Oxygen Sensor – First Runs and Rides and a 10% discount
In simpler terms, all the data should be evaluated and color-coded in a visually appealing Garmin…
new Train.Red PLUS Launched – MOXY-beater?
Train.Red's new PLUS sensor may well beat Moxy in lab setups,