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5k Tempo Run For Your Training

A tempo run is comfortably hard.

5k taper

5k tapers are ideally 2-3 weks, you cna probably get away with 2-3 days for frequent…

Should I run before a 5k race?

DON'T run before your 5k race.

5k Pacing and Pacers

Use a human pacer where possible for that 5k PB

How long before a 5k should i drink lucozade?

You don't NEED Lucozade Sport for a 5k...but it can't hurt!

5k Lucozade Sport Isotonic Drink

Lucozade Sport is a great product but NOT so useful before a 5K although this blog…

5k & Isotonic Drinks

Isotonic Drinks. I love them. One an hour or so before the race saves me having…

5k & Isotonic Drinks

Isotonic Drinks. I love them. One an hour or so before the race saves me having…

5k Speed Me Up – Running Faster On The Day

What can I do to make me go that bit faster on the day?

5K Hydration : Am I Properly Hydrated

Hydration is important for training, less so for a 5k race

5k I can’t drink when I run 5k

I have difficulty taking on board liquids during races

5k Hydration

5k Hydration is a doddle.
